
How a gluten allergy manifests itself 7 main symptoms

Symptoms of gluten allergy are often confused with manifestations of celiac disease.
Although reactions occur to the same protein, these are completely different pathologies.
In one case, this is a congenital defect of the intestine, in the second – the reaction of the immune system.

What we know about cereal gluten!


Gluten is a protein found in grains of wheat, barley, and rye.
Some people have symptoms of gluten allergy, but it’s not the same as gluten intolerance in celiac disease (celiac disease).
Let’s clarify the difference in terms and the very essence of diseases.

Gluten allergy:

It’s a misleading term that essentially reflects manifestations of a wheat allergy, an immune response to the protein gluten (or gliadin).
This is an acquired condition that occurs during a lifetime.
The immune system for some reason begins to recognize the protein of wheat, rye, or barley as foreign and dangerous, and forms reactions to it.

They can be both from the side of digestion and other tissues and organs.

Celiac disease:


It is a digestive disease that can be serious if not diagnosed or treated.
Symptoms include severe diarrhea after eating foods containing gluten, severe weight loss or inability to gain bodyweight normally, abdominal pain.

The disease occurs from birth, but in young children, you can see only a slight increase in weight and several other symptoms.
Only a certified gastroenterologist can make a diagnosis. This should be done as early as possible because when a person eats foods with gluten, his intestines are constantly damaged.
Rejection of the substance is the basis of treatment.

How a gluten allergy manifests itself:

Gluten intolerance and celiac disease are not allergies, and there are currently no tests for accurate diagnosis.
People with certain symptoms may need to be screened for celiac disease, but they need a bowel biopsy rather than blood tests.
All processes in them are associated with inflammation and wiping of villi in the intestine due to the toxic effect of gluten protein.
Another thing is a gluten allergy, symptoms in adults can occur at any age, even in the elderly if the immune system suddenly considers this protein as an aggressor.
Signs of allergies, such as skin rashes, hay fever, and other manifestations, develop when the immune system becomes sensitized and overreacts to something in the environment (in this case, wheat protein).

Generally, people are at greater risk of developing allergies to any food, including wheat, if allergies are common in the family, such as asthma or eczema.

gluten sensitivity symptoms:

  • Urticaria or skin rash
  • Nausea, stomach cramps, indigestion, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Nasal congestion or runny nose
  • sneezing
  • Headaches
  • asthma
  • Anaphylaxis (extremely rare), potentially life-threatening, threatening reaction that can disrupt breathing and cause shock.


Bread, pasta, or other products containing wheat, rye, or barley.
Non-food products with wheat-based ingredients: plasticine, cosmetics, or bath products.



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