Lifestyle changes and home remedies in the treatment of herpes on the lips?
To relieve the discomfort of herpes on the lips, you can follow some tips:
- Apply an ointment against herpes, such as Zovirax.
With frequent use, it is able to shorten an episode of herpes by several hours or days. - Try other local remedies.
Some drugs recommended for herpes do not contain antiviral substances, but contain, for example, alcohol, and also accelerate the healing of wounds. - Use lip balms and face cream.
Protect your lips from the hot sun. - Apply cold compresses, it can reduce redness, help remove crusts and promote wound healing.
- Use pain creams. Creams with lidocaine or benzocaine can relieve pain and discomfort somewhat.
Prevention of herpes of the lips?
If you have exacerbations happen too often, or you have a high risk of complications of herpes – the doctor may prescribe a long-term use of an antiviral drug, regardless of the presence of exacerbations.
If sunlight provokes your exacerbations – constantly use sunscreens on the lips and skin around them.
To avoid spreading herpes to other people, or other parts of your body:
Avoid skin-to-skin contact with other people while you have herpetic blisters. The virus spreads especially easily at the moment when the bubbles burst and the wound gets wet.
Avoid sharing personal hygiene items.
Dishes, towels, lip balm, and other items can become intermediaries in the transmission of the virus during the presence of bubbles on your skin.
Keep your hands clean.
During an exacerbation, wash your hands frequently and thoroughly before touching yourself or other people, especially children.
All information provided at is for INFORMATION only and is not a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, or professional medical care.
If you have a health problem, contact a health care professional immediately.