Treatment of pain in the lower abdomen:


Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by various reasons (endometriosis, menstruation, inflammatory diseases, cysts, etc.), for the selection of the optimal method of treatment, it is always necessary to determine the root cause of the pain.
Self-medication for such pains is contraindicated.

So, with severe inflammatory diseases (adnexitis, endometritis, inflammatory ovarian cysts, etc.), as a rule, drug antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
Your doctor may also recommend taking medications to improve immunity.
Surgical treatment for inflammatory diseases leading to pain in the lower abdomen is rarely used.
However, in some cases, doctors may resort to surgery.
In the process of intervention, gynecologists find foci of pus, drain, and wash them. Pain during menstruation can be relieved at home.

To get rid of pain in the lower abdomen, you need to apply a warm compress for 15 minutes, take an anesthetic and observe bed rest.
If the pain during menstruation is very strong and causes discomfort, you should immediately consult a gynecologist to determine the cause of the pain, because the pain can be caused by various diseases of the reproductive system.
If the pain in the uterus is caused by diseases such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis, surgical treatment is prescribed.
Operations, as a rule, are carried out minimally invasively (through a minimal incision near the umbilical region).
This method of performing surgical intervention does not leave behind visible scars and scars and allows you to quickly cope with the cause of the pain syndrome.



All information provided at is for INFORMATION only and is not a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, or professional medical care.
If you have a health problem, contact a health care professional immediately.