You might be surprised to know that you can gain valuable insights into your liver function through your feet. Today we are sharing with you 9 signs of liver problems connected to your feet.
Dr. Eric Berg is one of our favorites and he is a fountain of information. You might remember him as the creator of the world’s healthiest bread recipe. The video we are sharing with you today is a real eye-opener.
10 Signs Of A Sick Liver via Easy Health Options
Around 80 million Americans alone are affected by fatty liver disease and diabetes is another condition that is evidenced through your feet. Swollen feet and ankles are one such symptom.
In today’s video, Dr. Berg talks about the 9 different things your feet can tell you about the health of your liver. The appearance of the lower leg or foot gives a lot of great information about the overall health of a person.
Foot Facts – Keep Your Feet Healthy
via Kore Chiro
This is because the heart has to send blood all the way down to the feet and all the way back through the vascular system.
Usually, if there is liver damage or a heart problem, there will be a vascular problem, and you can see it on your feet.
via Dr. Eric Berg
We highly recommend you take 5 minutes out of your day to hear firsthand the excellent explanation from Dr. Berg.
This will assist you to know how to understand your feet better and address any symptoms as they arise. Remember, knowledge is power! To hear Dr. Berg, click Play above ^
9 Things Your Feet Can Tell You About Your Liver
via Dr. Eric Berg
1, Red and brown dots (usually in the lower leg) – This can mean poor circulation and can also be diabetes.
2. Spider veins or spider nevus – could be seen in cirrhosis. There is a building of a lot of estrogen in the liver.
Too much estrogen can affect the vascular system.
3. Cracked heels – This could be a vitamin B3 deficiency or an omega 3 fatty acid deficiency.
4. Itching in the bottom of the foot – A potential sign of a congested liver, or backup of fluids in the liver.
It can also be bile backing up, and a buildup of histamines.
5. Hot feet or bad odor – These are other potential symptoms of a liver problem. The liver can’t detoxify correctly. It is backing up through the skin.
6. Pitting edema – this is fluid backup, which is a common symptom of a liver problem.
7. Toenail fungus – People with liver problems can have a higher number of fungus growing in the body because of the imbalance of the flora in the gut.
8. White nail bed – This can be because of poor circulation.
9. Side effects of medications
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 55, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting.
He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan and is the Director of Dr. Berg’s Nutritionals. He no longer practices but focuses on health education through social media.